Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 133/365

The hospital's featured demo meal yesterday was Greek Fries. Yes, waffle fries with "gryo meat". I think that is this is a less offensive way of saying, "you are eating a cute little lamb". It looked so gross, I thought I'd share it with you all...

On another, less gross note, Steve scored free tickets to the Colin Hay last night! I love, love, LOVE him! And free tickets rock. I've seen him several times solo, but never with his band. He was ROCKIN! It was a standing venue and we stood one row back, directly in front of him while he played a 2 HOUR set. It was so great! Here is da man...


  1. Sadly, yes. but she was off to the side and fairly easy to ignore. And her mic was turned down so low, I couldn't really hear her.

  2. Holy crap, I thought that gyro was an ice cream sundae on a waffle cone until I read the caption. Barfffff.
