Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 90/365

I don't believe I have ever laughed out loud at an obituary picture before. I wonder what dastardly deed did him in. Ok. I am officially going to hell.


  1. ok, I wanted to laugh. I am still ready to laugh. I'll risk hell... since it doesn't exist... LOL... but um, I looked it up- - and I am just missing the funny. Please do share.

  2. I only laughed at the pic. I hadn't even read the obit. Something about the picture literally made me laugh out loud. I saw just before midnight after working for 12 hours and maybe I just had the giggles.

  3. This inspires me to want to have at-the-ready a hilarious obit pic - maybe that should be part of my living will. While people will be chuckling at my photo, I will be hanging out with you in hell. Everybody wins!

  4. I might have just the picture of you Amy (from Halloween last year)!
