Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 58/365

Went to Costco yesterday to stock up on food for Bonnaroo.  While there, we found a large can of chick peas.  Steve has been making his own hummus, which is very yummy.  The can was not just large, but huge.  But it only cost $2.75, which is less than a small can at Common Market, so we bought it.  It is comically large and will suppy us with hummus for the year.  Here is a pic, next to a diet coke can so you can see just how big it is.  Although I don't think the picture truly shows how big it is.  

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 57/365

Had a great day today.  Beautiful, perfect weather was nice too.  Woke up and headed to the Farmer's Market.  Came home and read on the patio for a while, waiting to hear from Steve, who was taking his Network + exam.  And then he called and he PASSED!  So happy and proud.  He worked very hard.  Then we shopped for food for Bonnaroo.  So excited.  Came home and set up the tent so we (meaning Steve) could seal the seams before we leave.  Finished that up and headed to a BBQ at Cara's.  Was great to see her and hang out for a while.  Yummy food, great company.  Came home and hung out on the patio with the pooches.  Love today.  Love life.  

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 56/365

Yeah, baby, yeah.


VIP Bonnaroo.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 55/365

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks with this damn cold.  I finally gave in and went to the doctor today.  She gave me antibiotics.  So take that, sinusitis.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 54/365

Ahhh, strawberry season.  Week 2 of the CSA brought me 5, yes 5, containers of strawberries!  Luckily, I LOVE me some strawberries.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 53/365

A rainy day today.  My plants are happy.  Especially our cool cherry tomato basket.  Look at all those yellow flowers!  Can't wait to walk out and pick fresh, yummy tomatoes.  

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 52/365

Happy Memorial Day!  Spent the day with my honey.  No parties, no craziness, just us.  I love him and I can't believe it's been 19 years since we started dating.  We go together like Mojitos and Bloody Marys.  

Wish I didn't have to go back to reality tomorrow.  Oh well.  I'll worry about that tomorrow.  

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 51/365

Love Memorial Day weekend.  We are re-fueling between parties at the moment.  Just got back from a great party where Steve learned to Hula Hoop, which should come in handy at Bonnaroo.  We had to come home though, so he could change.  Seems the hula landed in dog poop and well, you can guess what happened.  So we are recharging with water and food and will head to Jess' house and then most likely back to party number 1 at Kathy/Sioban's house.  

Day 50/365

Another late post after another late night.  Went to Mike and Geri's for a fabulous party.  Didn't take many pics, but here is one of Mike in Zoie's hat (that is a kid's hat).  Also have a few of Zoie tattooing Geri (yes, Zoie tattooing Geri, not the other way around) which was very cool.  I have to find my phone so I can download them and I'll post them later.  Have 2 parties to go to today.  Trying to decide if I should do that or stay in bed to cure this everlasting cold.  I think I know what will happen.  Memorial Day only comes around once a year and I like to celebrate the start of summer with friends.  

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 49/365

Posting yesterday's pic today because we got home late and I'm sick, so I went straight to bed.  Anyhoo-Went to Wolf Trap last night to see the Prairie Home Companion, which was sooo much fun.  Wolf Trap is one of my favorite venues.  We had seats in the Pavilion, which is a must for this type of show.  So much to watch and see.  I bought the tics for Steve's birthday, in January, when May seemed so far away.  We got there a bit early and were hanging out on the grass.  I looked up and took this shot.  The pics I took of the actual show were a bit blurred, so I'm only posting this one.  Stopped by PBR Night at Klu's on the way home to see folks.  Feels like I haven't seen anyone in so long.  

Every day I wake up thinking this cold will be gone, but no, not today.  I still can't breathe thru my nose, my right ear is all clogged up, my chest is so tight and congested.  Ugh.  It's been a week.  C'mon, go away.   I contemplated calling the doctor today, but I'm sure it's just a cold.  I really wish I could find the inhaler I got when I had bronchitis in Jan/Feb.  It would sure be helpful.  I just need to get better now.  I have a shin dig to go to at Team Fun's house today and two bbq's I'm supposed to go to tomorrow.  Being sick on a holiday weekend sucks.

On another note, it was Memorial Day, 19 years ago, that Steve and I started dating.  I can't believe how fast time flies, or how lucky I am.  I must be better by then!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 48/365

I have had a terrible cold all week.  It sucks big time.  And we start training next week for our next go live, so I had no choice but to drag my ass to work every day, even though I thought I might die.  Afrin is the only way I go thru my day today.  If you ever have a stuffed up nose, and you don't use Afrin, you are a chump and I don't want to know you.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 47/365

Yay!!  The CSA started today.  The first week doesn't have too much, but it's a start.  I'm so happy. Fresh veggies are so yummy.  As an aside, what a beautiful day.  Even my stupid cold isn't getting in the way of enjoying this weather.  Peace, love and veggies.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 46/365


Oh, hello to you too!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 45/365

When Tyler was a puppy, we crate trained him to help potty train him.  It worked wonders and he didn't need it for long.  But he really seemed to find comfort in the crate.  Even though we don't make him get in it, he still does from time to time, so we never took it out of our room.   His old, really small puppy bed lives on top of the old crate (he thinks it's a toy and tries to rip it up if it's on the floor).  The cats use it as a cat bed now.  Today, Jake was in the "cat" bed on top and Tyler climbed in below.  I love our cat/dog bunkbed.  I thought it was very cute.  And so I'm sharing for all to say "awwwww".  

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 44/365

So tired, I feel like I might cry.  Worked an 8 1/2 hour shift that turned into a 13 hour shift.  Everything hurts from my head to my feet.  Never had a chance to take a pic today.  Now I am vegging out in front of the tv so I took a pic of that.  It's all blurry, but I'm too tired to care or take another one.  Later...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 43/365

Steve bought a new car today.  He is so excited and I am so happy for him.  His Nissan Sentra has 165,000 miles on it and is so loud, it's hard to have a conversation in it.  We bought a Kia Sportage.  I never thought I'd buy a Kia (because, let's face it, I'm a bit of a snob), but I really like it.  And it's CHEAP.  And it will fit all our camping stuff we'll need for Bonnaroo.  Which is coming up so soon and I am sooooo excited about.  Anyhoo.  That is day 43.  

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 42/365

This is Healthcare Week, a totally made up holiday week.  FMH decided today was Spirit day and and you should find a way to show your FMH spirit, including dressing up your boss, which Donnalee did.  She dressed David up as an FMH Sock Monkey and it was awesome. 

Then tonight, Captain Jack played their debut show in Frederick at OTT.  OTT sucks.  Capt. Jack is great.  

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 41/365

Tonight was Steve's Spring Concert.   Pic one is of him and his bassoon.  Pic two is just him, because he is so cute.  Great show tonight!  And I got to go home with the bassoonist.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 40/365

DSW has opened in Frederick.  While it isn't the best DSW I've been to, it is still a DSW.  When you are told to think of your "happy place", this is one of the places that comes to mind.  

Although I'm not sure I understand these:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 39/365

Well, this is the only picture I've taken all day.  I walked to work today.  Could NOT ask for a better day to walk to work.  It was soooo nice.  This is a picture of a tree-like thing that covers a bench area I walk under.  There used to be flowers on it, which are done blooming now, but the tree still smells really, really good.  

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 38/365

Flowers make me happy.  

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 37/365

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, especially mine and Steve's!  Had a great brunch at Great Sage with my mom and sister today.  My dad is in Florida, so he missed out.  And my brother, well, he moved away to get out of family celebrations.  Just kidding Jimmy.  Sort of.  We also stopped in to visit Steve's mom.  She is able to talk now, but still can't eat or drink anything.  She is hopeful that will get better soon.  She looks tired, but is done treatments, so we are praying she will make a full recovery and join us again for brunch here next year. 

Love you mom!!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 36/365

Happy Mother's Day Eve to my mom and Kay!  Had a great time hanging out in downtown Frederick tonight on this beautiful day!  Had dinner on the creek and popped into Nola on the way back.  Love that place.  Here is a shot that makes Jen look like she is moving REALLY fast.  
Ok, now back out to my patio.  You should join us!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 35/365

Today's picture will probably come from Shelton's PBR Dance Party, so depending on how late I get home, the picture may not appear until tomorrow.  I'm very excited about tonight!  We missed the last one because we were in Mexico.  I believe Team Fun will be coming too, which is great, because we have not hung out in a long time.  

My Late Entry:  In honor of my friends Amy and Lynda's birthdays, here are pics of them both enjoying PBR Dance Party.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 34/365

This is Nurse's Week at my hospital.  Today, RNs were encouraged to wear their Nurse's Caps.  Do you know how many I saw today?  Not one.  Zip, zilch, zero.  Which did not surprise me.  Who would want to drag that old hideous thing and wear it to work?  What DID surprise me was that one of my coworkers wanted to wear hers, but she couldn't find it.  She is 60 years old and it has been a while since she's worn it.  BUT-was did was able to find was her old nursing school uniform.  Which she choose to actually wear to work today.  Seriously.  I have never seen so many double takes and mouths dropped open in my life.   I still can't believe it.  Then, she was late for her dentist appointment, so she went in that outfit.  Folks will be talking about this for a long time. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 33/365

Have been making a very real effort to eat healthier and Spring really helps with that.  Stopped in the grocery store on the way home and when I looked in my cart, I was amazed at how much prettier fruits and veggies look in the cart than other crap.  I took a pic, but it doesn't do it justice.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 32/365

Happy 5th of May!  Stopped in Guido's to see Klu, who I feel like I haven't seen in a long time, and ended up seeing lots of friends.  Had a great time.  One of the reasons I love Guido's-I didn't see a single person drinking Corona or Margaritas.  Not that there is anything wrong with them!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 31/365

In my next life, I sure wouldn't mind coming back as a spoiled kitty.  

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 30/365

Another rainy day.  Today I slept in.  Late.  And it was great!  Tyler, Maggie and Jake joined me.  Steve was up at 6 to work at the marathon.  I love to sleep in the with the furkids on a rainy Sunday.   Took the pooches for a rainy walk.  They don't care if it's raining.   Hit the Common Market today, which is one of my most favoritest places.  I saw some snap peas and thought Stir Fry!  So that's what we did for dinner.  We had an amazing veggie and tofu teriyaki stir fry in our new wok.  So good.  I am starting to notice a trend with this blog.  I seem to keep taking shots of the food I eat.  This week, I'll make an effort to take pictures of things other than my food.  But it has been so good this week.  Okie doke. Off the spend the rest of the evening with my pack, I mean family.  

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 29/365

Day 29 was a great day.  Started with an early (for a Saturday) rise and a dog walk.  Made a delish egg scramble with red peppers, onions and goat cheese.  So good.   It started pouring.  I took a shower (not in the rain) and got ready for the farmer's market.  By the time I was ready to go, the sun was shining and I got to ride there with the top down.  Steve was at a Marathon meeting.  Not a really long meeting, but one for the actual marathon.  After the market, I went to buy a new wok.  I cleaned the house, then Steve came home.  He showed me the jacket he got from the Marathon and we both got a kick out of it (see above).  We walked downtown for lunch and ended up at Nola.  They were debuting their new menu and it was amazing!  So many things to choose from.  I ended up with the Tofu Lettuce Wraps and Steve got the portabella burger.  Yumm on both counts.  Came home, planted the flowers I got at the market (well, Steve did).  Went to Costco to look at cameras.  Came home, roasted the asparagus I got at the Farmer's Market and had that, along with salad for dinner (lettuce from the F.M. with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries on it).  We ate outside.  Now, we are getting ready to watch Milk.  What a great day.  I am blessed.  Oh, and the other pic is from my friend Ric's flowering bush that runs along his fence in my alley.  The whole alley smells amazing.  I love Spring.  I think I may have mentioned that before.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 28/365

Double belly rubs=happy dogs.  Happy dogs=happy mom.  Happy mom=good night.