Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 34/365

This is Nurse's Week at my hospital.  Today, RNs were encouraged to wear their Nurse's Caps.  Do you know how many I saw today?  Not one.  Zip, zilch, zero.  Which did not surprise me.  Who would want to drag that old hideous thing and wear it to work?  What DID surprise me was that one of my coworkers wanted to wear hers, but she couldn't find it.  She is 60 years old and it has been a while since she's worn it.  BUT-was did was able to find was her old nursing school uniform.  Which she choose to actually wear to work today.  Seriously.  I have never seen so many double takes and mouths dropped open in my life.   I still can't believe it.  Then, she was late for her dentist appointment, so she went in that outfit.  Folks will be talking about this for a long time. 

1 comment:

  1. THAT Totally Freaking Rocks!!! What a hottie, teehee! :) :) :)
